People Doing Thumbs Up

What makes the most successful teams truly tick?

Many of the best teams – the ones that deliver results, wow customers, and always hit their goal – share a few key traits:

  1. They share a common promise for a customer.
  2. They coordinate action to fulfill that promise.
  3. They take care of each other.
low angle photo of people doing huddle up
Photo by on

When each team member understands their role in the big picture, great things happen.  They share a common promise, meaning there is unified agreement on the objectives and how each individual brings a unique set of skills to the mission at hand.

Teams coordinate to fulfill a promise always looking toward the end goal.  When they have healthy relationships consisting of high-quality interaction, characterized by trust, open communication, and a willingness to embrace “constructive” conflict – they become great.  These teams willingly assume and embrace both personal and shared responsibility for fulfilling their common promise.

They take care of each other – the environment is supportive, open, and expressive.  Make no mistake, successful teams don’t agree on everything.  When disagreements arise, they tackle them in a respectful and constructive way, with appreciation for the ideas, skills, and perceptions of their team members.

In our professional life teamwork plays a vital role.  We engage with and depend on others to accomplish virtually every task.  Don’t leave it to chance, follow the formula above (the three traits) and be part of a great team!

What will you personally do to help improve your team for the better?

Please share your thoughts in the comments section below as I learn just as much from you as you do from me.

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